Index of legal movement in relation to business
Interested tax news
Supreme Court Judgment No. 2564/2557
Royal Decree Issued under the Revenue Code Governing Exemption from Revenue Taxes (No. 580) B.E. 2557
Instruction of the Central Partnerships and Companies Registration Office No.13/2558
Social security office RorNgor 0604/26794
Social security office RorNgor 0627/00926
Notification of Director-General of the Revenue Regarding Income Tax (No. 251)
Prescribing rules and procedures to exempt income tax of companies or juristic partnerships for the income paid for seminar fee of employees in the country
Departmental Instruction No.Paw.148/2557
Exercise of Accrual Basis for Computation of Revenue and Expense of Company or Juristic Partnership
GorKhor.0702/1121 Dated 6 March 2014
Deduction of Income Tax at Source, in case of the payment of telephone and car expenses to employees
GorKhor. 0702/3540 Dated 2 June 2014
Specific Business Tax incase of suretyship of loans for associated company
GorKhor. 0702/8746 Dated 7 October 2013
Corporate Income Tax; in case of foreign tax credit