Private: ARIYA LEGAL UPDATES: 3 – April – 2020 Temporary extension of due date due to COVID-19

Private: ARIYA LEGAL UPDATES: 3 – April – 2020 Temporary extension of due date due to COVID-19

ARIYA LEGAL UPDATES 3 – April – 2020



We, Ariya Group intends this email provides our clients with the updated
information with regard of legal, tax and accounting issues. The only accurate
information has a power. Even though we give it our best shot, it is true that
we sometimes miss the target. That’s why implementation of the information
keenly requires an advice of the experts, such as us.



  • Temporary extension of due date due to COVID-19



  1. Revenue Department


Extension of due date for filing corporate income tax return (PND50, PND51), disclosure form, personal income tax return(PND90/91)   



  • On 31 March 2020, the ministerial notification (No.2) subject: extension of time limit for corporate income tax under Revenue code was issued and extended corporate income tax return (PND50) required to be filed within April to August 2020 under the law to 31 August 2020 and half year corporate income tax return(PND51) required to be filed within April to September 2020 to 30 September 2020 . However these measures shall not apply for listed company.


  • On 31 March 2020, the ministerial notification (NO.2) subject: extension of time limit for filing and payment of personal income tax for assessable income in the year 2019 was issued and extended such time limit until 31 August 2020.


Reduction of witholding tax rate



  • On 27 March 2020, the ministerial regulation No.361 (B.E.2563) was issued and reduce withholding tax rate at 3% for payment of assessable income under 40(2)(3)(6)(7) and (8) of Revenue Code to help Corvid-19 situations and to promote e-Withholding tax systems to 1.5% for the payment from April to September 2020 and to 2% for the payment from October 2020 to December 2021.

We summarize above measures in table. Please click  [ English ] [ Japanese ] [ Thai ] .


この措置については表にまとめています。 [ 日本語 ] [ 英語 ] [ タイ語 ]   をクリックしてください。


  • On 31 March 2020, Notification of Ministry of Finance Subject: Extension of the period for filing and payment of tax to the person who has duty to file and pay the withholding tax, corporate income tax income tax, Value Added Tax, Special business Tax and stamp duty dated 31 March 2020 was issued and extended due date for filing withholding tax for payment in March and April to 15 May 2020, VAT for revenue or payment in March and April to 23 May 2020, SBT for revenue in March and April to 23 May 2020 and Stamp duty in cash instead of affixing stamp duty within 1 April to 15 May 2020 to 15 May 2020 for only a company which must close business under order from government due to prevention from spread of Covid-19.


  1. Department of Business Development(DBD)


Submission of explanation letter in case that a limited company cannot hold annual general shareholders meeting (AGM) within due date under the law due to coronavirus.



  • On 4 March 2020, Notification of Department of Business Development Re: Measures to support the spread of corona virus disease 2019 or Covid-19 which may affect the meeting of juristic person in 2020 dated 4 March 2020 was issued and announced any limited company which cannot hold AGM within 4 months from closing date and cannot submit audited financial statements to DBD within 1 months from date of approval by AGM due to coronavirus should sbmit explanation letter regarding postpone of AGM to ask wave penalty.


  1. Board of Investment(BOI)


Extension of due date of submission of application form for use of corporate income tax exemption privilege. 


  • Notification of the Board of Investment No. Por. 3/2563 Re: Extension of the due date for filing applications for rights and benefits of corporate income tax exemption dated 25 March 2020 was issued and extend due date of submission of the application form to use corporate income tax exemption privilege from at least 30 days before last day of time limit of corporate income tax return until 31 July 2020 or at least 30 days before last day of extended time limit of corporate income tax return.


  1. Social Security Office


Extension of due date of remitting contributions and reduce rate of contribution.


  • On 26 Match 2020, Social security office announced extension of due date of remitting contribution for salary in March to May 2020 to 15th of 3 months later from each due date and reduce rate of contribution to 4% for employer and 1% for employee(News of the Social Security Office Subject: Measures to reduce rate and the extension of time to submit social security contributions dated 26 March 2020)


We summarize details for above extension measures in the table. Please click  for more your learn [ English ] [ Japanese ] [ Thai ] .

上記措置の延期措置の詳細については表にまとめました。その詳細については [ 日本語 ] [ 英語 ] [ タイ語 ]  をクリックしてください。



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