Tax News No. 225 September 2015

Tax News No. 225 September 2015


Policy regarding an analysis and audit of corporate income tax

Whereas Ariya was acknowledged from various sectors of Revenue that Revenue has issued a new policy regarding an analysis and audit of corporate income tax, as follows:

  1. In case of any juristic person notifying to refund a corporate income tax over paid for an accounting period starting on or after 1st January, 2014, there shall postpone on process, or if not, there shall issue only a summon letter.
  2. However, if there was an issuance of invitation letter/a request for delivery of evident documents, the process shall be completely undertaken within 30th December, 2015, if it is unable to undertake with such due time, there shall issue a summon letter.
  3. In case on process of an analysis of corporate income tax or an issuance of summon letter against to any juristic person, there shall be completely undertaken within 30th December, 2015.

Index of legal movement in relation to business

Interested tax news

Supreme Court Judgement No.10773/2557

The fee, which was borne by both parties but one party paid in full to government, was not an income of another party

Supreme Court Judgement No.15365/2557

The period of prescription on an assessment in case of not filing tax returns and the interruption of prescription

Royal Decree Issued under the Revenue Code Regarding the Reduction of Value Added Tax Rates (No.592) B.E. 2558 (2015)

Notification of Department of Business Development

Rules and procedures in filing of financial statement B.E.2558

Departmental Instruction No. Paw.152/2558

Consideration of “a reasonable excuse” in the case of an insufficient estimate of net profits under Section 67 ter of the Revenue Code

GorKhor 0706/432 Dated 8 January, 2008

Personal Income Tax in case of the termination of employment

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